Featured in the MO2VATE Magazine 2021 Inspirational Man Edition!
November 19th, 2021
International Men's Day!
The MO2VATE Magazine featured my article in the UK and around the world!
I feel incredibly honoured to have been selected as an Inspirational Man Edition 2021 for MO2VATE Magazine. Thank you to Sharon Brown, Nicola Matthews and the entire MO2VATE Magazine team for making this a wonderful achievement! Most importantly, I would like to special thank my personal editor and cousin Matthew who helped me put the article together.
Congratulations to all the men who have been selected around the world!
MO2VATE Magazine is headquartered in London, England and is the number one business bible for micro and small business owners. The entire magazine is written by business owners and offers heaps of value, insight, inspiration and an overall fantastic read!" In terms of audience, the publication has a global audience with the largest share in the UK, followed by the US. Recently, they started distributing print copies in co-working spaces and cafes.
Furthermore, I am grateful for the opportunity to advertise my upcoming memoir on the inside of the front cover.
Click on photo to read full story!
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January 7th, 2022
Happy New Year!
In A Split Second—Living in the World with Cerebral Palsy is now launched! It is an immense joy for me to announce that I am now a published author!
I would like to share a little story about how I became inspired to write my memoir: During my teenage years, a family friend of my uncle and aunt gave me a book that was authored by her nephew. The book was entitled Growing up with Cerebral Palsy when we visited family in Florida. In my young and vulnerable years, having cerebral palsy made me uncertain about my future, for example, whether I would be able to work and be independent, or perhaps even fall in love. Despite having CP, I continued to pursue my hopes, dreams, and goals, yet I was uncertain what my future held. Through his book, I became more confident and stronger as an individual, never giving up on my goals and dreams. His memoir inspired me and encouraged me to reach for the stars! My gratitude goes to Mark for his encouragement and inspiration. May you rest in peace, Mark.
My goal is to reach out to all types of people, including the able-bodied and the disabled. I have been inspired by people with cerebral palsy, such as Mark E. Smith, Miss Iowa USA 2008, Abbey Curran, RJ Mitte from the TV series, Breaking Bad, Zach Anner, the American comedian, actor, and writer with cerebral palsy who gained worldwide attention with the submission of a video to Oprah Winfrey’s “Search for the Next TV Star” competition. Micah D. Fowler from ABC’s sitcom Speechless, Josh Blue, the comedian from America’s Got Talent 2021, and one of my teammates from sledge hockey, Chad Pilon, who I very much admire!
The journey has been quite rewarding thus far, with the publication of my memoir, the publication of an article in a magazine (even better from overseas), provided advice to CP patients and their parents around the world, participated in a disability event on Zoom worldwide, and been on a podcast from the States. This is something I would have never imagined in a million years. It would not have been possible for me to accomplish all this without the love and support of my family and friends.

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January 11th, 2022
It is a great joy for me to announce that In A Split Second—Living in the World with Cerebral Palsy has reached the FriesenPress Bestseller list!
THANK YOU so much for your interest and support in my book!
Click on photo to read full story!
February 2nd, 2022
It's finally here! The bestselling copies are here!
I would like to express my gratitude to publisher specialist Jess, promotion specialist James, illustrator Victoria, layout designer Geoff and the entire FriesenPress team who helped me achieve my dream!
Furthermore, I would like to thank my cousin Matthew, my personal editor, for helping me put this book together as well as several volunteers who proofread and provide honest feedback to ensure that this book provided inspiration, education, hope, faith, dreams, and entertainment, tears, and a voice for those who cannot express themselves!
Final words of appreciation go out to my family, friends, and readers who have been wonderful and are eager to get their hands on my book. It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel towards all of you for your interest, support, and love over this long and exciting journey. In the end, it was all worth the wait!
Click on the video to play!

February 8th, 2022
My sincere gratitude goes out to all those who attended my book launch, as well as to those who were unable to attend but sent their wishes my way!
The entire afternoon was filled with family, friends, grade school, high school, college teachers, EAs, staff members, the clients of Today's Headlines and including meeting people for the first time! I am deeply touched and overwhelmed by the love and support received from each and every one of you!
A special thank you goes out to my dad, Stirling, and the sister I never had, Kerri for keeping the event running smoothly, and to my mom and family friend Silvana (don't get confused with the same name as my mom) for getting the books ready for the readers.
You made my day!

February 12th, 2022
As an author, you never know what the journey will bring! One of my colleagues, George Keulen, who wrote his memoir: Big Breath In, messaged me this past weekend informing me that I had moved up from #168 to #8, and from there to #2 on the Amazon Bestsellers list within 24 hours!
It was an honour to sit between Royd Tolkien, the great-grandson of the man who wrote the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Michael J. Fox, the iconic character from Back to the Future!
What an incredible adventure this have been!
February 16th, 2022
I am truly grateful for the support I have received from Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB) for posting my memoir on the school website.
Click on photo to read full story!
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February 22nd, 2022
I am truly grateful for receiving this news from the Mo2vate Magazine team!
Congratulations to all nominees!
Good luck!

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March 10th, 2022
Oh My Goodness!
A copy of In A Split Second can now be found at Indian Rocks Beach Library in Florida. A huge thank you to my Aunt Jean and to her friend, the Librarian Lee Miller, for making this dream come true!
Who would have thought your family and friends would hold a copy of your book thousands of miles away from home?
If you find yourself in the area, feel free to stop in and take a photo with the book and it to me.
Indian Rocks Beach Library
1507 Bay Palm Boulevard
Indian Rocks Beach, FL 337850

March 14th, 2022
I had the pleasure of visiting the place from which my journey began thirty years ago, although it is located somewhere else now. I met up with some of the professionals who have helped me through my most challenging moments. These ladies are the heart of the program, therapist and support workers who challenge us to be our very best, physically and emotionally.
In addition, I had the opportunity to present a copy of the book to the new era of CDRP, now called Ron Joyce Children's Health Centre.
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March 18th, 2022
Sailing Away
The book is now sailing along the Pacific and Arctic oceans on the Carnival Miracle, visiting Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexico.
It would be my pleasure to extend my gratitude to Mike Sr. and Mike Jr. for leaving my book behind for others to read.
In the words of philosopher Mike Sr. stated, "A story you tell in a book is a legacy you leave. No matter how popular, a book lives on for generations. You are LEAVING A LEGACY!"
In this photo, the Captain accepts the book from the two mischievous men on behalf of the Miracle Library.
From port to port, the book will travel!
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March 25th, 2022
March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.
Pe-mature, overdue or twins that can cause CP. There are five types of cerebral palsy—spastic, ataxic, athetoid, hypotonic, and mixed.
Nurses and doctors were extremely busy with the overflow of babies born the morning of my birth and, as an overdue baby, I unfortunately was suffocated by meconium, causing me to suffocate and suffer neonatal asphyxia, meaning I was oxygen-deprived long enough to suffer physical harm. In this case, it was my brain that took the hit.
I am grateful that the OB who was awakened by an emergency call and lived several minutes from the hospital and was needed for the emergency C-section that was going to be performed—I am so thankful to that doctor for saving my life! My life had suddenly thrown me a curveball in that split second.
Throughout my life, I have been marked by determination, a “Yes, I can!” attitude, and a deep love and respect for others since I was born with cerebral palsy. There is nothing more gratifying to me than putting a smile on someone's face by making them laugh.
There are surprises in every walk of life! Your path may end up taking you in a different direction than you ever envisioned! Even though I was aware that the field of employment I chose would be challenging (not because of my knowledge, but because of my disability), I thought I would be just like the other designers. Nevertheless, God has much greater plans for me!
Despite every obstacle I've faced in my life, there is one accomplishment I'm particularly proud of, and that is publishing my own book about living with cerebral palsy. The goal of this book was to show the world that we, the disabled community, have feelings and emotions like everyone else. We all have dreams and goals we wish to achieve, no matter how different our bodies may appear, and I hope that my memoir will open the hearts and minds of readers around the world.
I can honestly say that my life turned a corner after releasing my book. Based on my experiences, I've made it my goal to connect with the disabled community around the globe and with parents caring for disabled children to offer answers and advice. Has this been my calling all along? There's one thing I know for sure: I can't give up because I'm a CP Warrior!
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March 30th, 2022
I am honoured to have my article, "The Unseen Struggles of Cerebral Palsy,"
chosen as a finalist in two categories of the International Mo2vate Awards - Best Overall and Most Inspirational Article.
My thanks go out to you all, and I wish the finalists the very utmost success.
Click on photo to read in full!
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April 5th, 2022
Top five on Amazon.ca!
My sincere thanks go out to everyone who has shown interest in my book!

April 26th, 2022
It is a privilege to be featured on the L'Arche Hamilton Virtual Ability Walk N' Roll poster!
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April 29th, 2022
Forever A Knight!
At the beginning of April, I entered the building where I lived and experienced, matured and grew with knowledge for four years filled with new challenges, goals, dreams, and adventures. My mind was spinning a thousand miles per second during that split second, retrieving all the memories formed throughout my four years at STM.
I graduated fifteen years ago (wow, that makes me feel old, I can't imagine how my former teachers and EAs feel). The school has undergone many changes since I left, from renovations, additions, technologies, staff, students (which of course changes on a regular basis).
All of the teachers I was taught by, the Education Assistants who helped me throughout my education, and my classmates are all people I have kept in touch with. When I first mentioned that I was writing a memoir, everyone was so supportive and proud of what I was about to accomplish.
Throughout my high school life, every person has contributed to my education, including my EAs, Mrs. Martyres, Mr. Garrett, and Mr. Marquez, as well as my grade nine teachers, Mr. Raso (Geography), Mr. Conciatori (I.T. ), Mr. Luvisa (Civics), Mr. Carboni (AutoCAD), and last but not least, Ms. Randazzo (now Mrs. Stocco), who was my grade nine and ten English teacher. I definitely owe her a round of applause for teaching me to become a famous author!
In my personal capacity, I would like to thank Mr. Luvisa and Mrs. Fuciarelli for creating the STM Wall of Fame for this book.
Click on photo to see in full!
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May 4th, 2022
Editors Choice!
This honour and privilege makes me speechless and very pleased to discover that my article has been given an Editor's Choice in the April edition of Mo2vate Magazine from the United Kingdom.
The month of April was an open topic for an article. I took this opportunity to write candidly about what it is like to be a disadvantaged man seeking a relationship. As a writer, my goal is to educate the world about our struggles and to let everyone know that we, too, want to experience love, intimacy, and family.
This article was written for people like me who need others to know that we exist. Also, those who are experiencing the same difficulties as I am should know that they are not alone!
Thank you to Sharon Brown, Nicola Matthews, Laura Billingham and the entire Mo2vate Magazine team for making this a wonderful achievement! To make sure this article was appealing to the world, I would like to express my gratitude and special thanks to my personal editor and cousin Matthew.
Click on photo to read full story!

May 6th, 2022
International MO2VATE Awards 2022 Edition!
I am beyond delighted to be featured on the back cover of the International MO2VATE Awards 2022 Edition!
I was honoured to be nominated for two MO2VATE Magazine annual awards and to reach the finalist round. Throughout my article, The Unseen Struggles of Cerebral Palsy, I describe the experience of being overlooked when searching for employment for many years.
Thanks to Sharon Brown, the judges, all entrants and winners, and the readers of MO2VATE Magazine for this fantastic publication and for letting me be on one of the covers!

May 25th, 2022
Another Book, Another Chapter!
There is great joy in announcing that I will be featured in a new book as part of the Stories From Around The Globe Men Edition. The opportunity to be a Co-Author along with nine other inspiring men from different parts of the world is truly a privilege.
These individuals have faced challenges that could have set them back in life, but instead, they have pushed themselves forward and created a life they value.
Thanks go to Sharon Brown along with her amazing team for publishing through The Book Chief Publishing House.

May 30th, 2022
Spot In The Spec!
Upon becoming an Architectural Technician and struggling to find employment with interview after interview, it became increasingly evident that workplaces were not accessible to the disabled. Using my mental abilities, I can multitask, answer the phone, meet with clients, and visit job sites, but not physically. Several years ago, I was told that I should contact the spectator to share my story about my difficulties in finding employment as a disabled man, but what could I say when employment is hard for anyone!
And here we are, a decade later with a STORY to share with everyone about my journey with Cerebral Palsy. It was such a pleasure to meet and be interviewed by one of Hamilton Spectator's finest reporters, Jeff Mahoney.
Never in my wildest dreams would have ever thought I would be interviewed by a reporter. I want to thank Jeff for taking an interest in my story and interviewing me, allowing me to share my story with everyone!
Below, you can view the full article by Jeff Mahoney.
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June 10th, 2022
Another Door Opened . . .
On June 3rd, 2022, I delivered my first presentation as a guest speaker, something I never expected or even considered doing; I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Curto and the HWCDSB for having me as their guest speaker for their Professional Activity Day, as well as opening another door for me!
When he asked if I would be interested in presenting my story to around 120 elementary EAs and continuing to support our exceptional children, I was extremely humbled and grateful for the opportunity.
Additionally, I wish to thank my former teachers and EAs for their support over the years. Moreover, I wish to express my gratitude to the entire HWCDSB for supporting my first published book and creating an honourarium in every school library throughout the district.
Thanks to all of the EAs who listened to my PowerPoint presentation, it was a pleasure meeting you all. This also included seeing my former EA's and giving me a good laugh!
HWCDSB will always be a home for me!
Click on photo to read full story!

June 14th, 2022
MO2VATE Ambassador Kyle Scott
Awarded the title of Ambassador of the Mo2vate Magazine is an honour and a privilege!
Last October, I came across this magazine named Mo2vate from the United Kingdom as I was completing my memoir. I have written two articles, one of which was editor's choice. I am also co-author of a book with nine other incredible men called Stories from around the Globe.
Sharon Brown and the rest of the team at Mo2vate Magazine have my support and I look forward to writing to them in the future.
Featuring business, health, and inspiration, Mo2vate Magazine has something for everyone!
If you would like to try your hand at magazine or book writing, I highly recommend that you get in touch with Sharon or her incredible team of experts!
This should be you!
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June 16th, 2022
My Talk Across The Pond
Myself and nine other brave men have just produced a truly fantastic book sharing part of our stories about our journeys from adversity to triumph led by the talented Founder of MO2VATE Magazine, Sharon Brown.
We talked about how it affected our mental health and well-being. The questions and insights lead us running into three hours of soulful, informative conversation. This proves there is a need for men to speak and to open up about feelings, emotions, and mental health.
Throughout this book, Sharon collaborated with ten brave men to share their inspiring stories. This is to help other men realize there is a way out of psychological and physical impasses. It is possible to regain control after feeling like you have lost it all.
May this book be an inspiration for many more men to open up and share their stories.
Having the opportunity to share my story among these men will hopefully help someone who is struggling through a challenging time.
For my colleagues and myself, Sharon Brown, we cannot thank you enough for all you do. You have a wonderful soul, and we are so grateful to you.
30 author’s copies just arrived from the United Kingdom if anyone is interested!
The cost of the author’s copies are $16.99 CDN. Only 30!
E-transfer to kylenscott.ca@gmail.com *remember “n” between my name, or in cash.
What an inspirational, powerful, amazing book launch!!!
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July 4th, 2022
Book Chief Scott
I am honoured to be featured on the Book Chief Authors Rising Magazine's June cover.
Through this magazine, readers gain a behind-the-scenes look into the author's thoughts, writing dedications, feelings, and hopes for the future.
Sharon Brown and your team have been of tremendous support to me, and I cannot thank you enough for it!
Click on photo to read full story!
Enjoy this FREE read!

August 2nd, 2022
Mission Accomplished!
A year prior to the publication of my memoir, my cousin Brittany and I had a cousin night (dinner and a movie).
When we had some spare time before the movie, we browsed Indigo. As we entered the store, Michele Obama's book was displayed in the front window. "One day, my book will be here!" I told Brittany out loud.
I am thrilled to announce that In A Split Second- Living in the World With Cerebral Palsy is now available at Indigo Ancaster and Indigo.ca.
Spread the word to your family and friends. If you haven't already purchased your copy, you can now get it at the Ancaster location.
My sincere thanks go out to Indigo Ancaster for supporting my book.
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September 10th, 2022
As part of the eighth volume of FriesenPress' Book Catalogue, my multi-award winning book: In A Split Second- Living in the World with Cerebral Palsy is featured with many other talented authors. There are no words to describe my joy!
This catalogue is distributed to 200 top retailers, book buyers and libraries throughout North America.
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October 6th, 2022
Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day
I am one in seventeen million people who's living with Cerebral Palsy, but it doesn't own me. My life is different, a bit more complicated than most, but it is mine. As a result of having Cerebral Palsy, I became a better and stronger person.
As a society, we celebrate the accomplishments of those with Cerebral Palsy and how they have achieved so much as well as how they continue to work hard and overcome obstacles!
It's my great pleasure to announce that my book, In A Split Second- Living in the World With Cerebral Palsy, has now been added to the Disability-Positive Marketplace.
We extend our gratitude to Monica Missaghi, the Creative Director, as well as Sherry Caldwell, the founder of GoodOnU.ca and the Ontario Disability Coalition for bringing this opportunity to the public.
We Don't Know How Strong We Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Choice We Have! -Cerebral Palsy Awareness
Happy World CP Day to all my friends with CP around the globe!
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October 28th, 2022
OOHNA's Newsletter
This is a privilege and honour for me to have my article published in the newsletter of the Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association (OOHNA).
The OOHNA represents occupational health nurses in all types of businesses so that they can "Keep Workers Safe and Well."
My most sincere gratitude is owed to a family friend Drew Sousa for asking me to contribute to OOHNA's newsletter. In addition, I am grateful to Associate Executive Director Frances MacCusworth for creating this wonderful article.
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November 19th, 2022
International Men's Day!
It has been an incredible honour to be selected for the Inspirational Man 2022 MO2VATE MEDIA platform to feature my article, THE POWER OF AN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT.
Being selected for the Inspirational Man is my second appearance in two consecutive years, and sharing my story with many other exceptional men is a true honour.
Please click on the link below to read my article.
Please feel free to share with your family and friends!

January 7th, 2023
Happy First Bookiversary!
Wow, it's almost impossible to believe that I announced the publication of my memoir In A Split Second: Living in the World with Cerebral Palsy a year ago today! I have exceeded my expectations in so many ways as an author, in ways I never would have imagined! I would not have been able to achieve all this without the love and support of my family, friends, and ongoing readers.
Check out this fantastic book trailer! https://youtu.be/z2TIk4PDn_U
If someone asks you what was the last inspiring, heartfelt, humorous book you read, tell them about In A Split Second: Living in the World with Cerebral Palsy.
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March 25th, 2023
What better way to celebrate National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day than to release the collaborative book titled LIVING WITH CEREBRAL PALSY: A COLLECTION OF INSPIRING STORIES FROM CP WARRIORS WORLDWIDE!
This was a dream I never considered until I participated in a collaborative book run by Sharon Brown, Founder of the Book Chief. Many unexpected doors opened for me after that and inspired me to gather 22 (including myself) out of 17 million people living with cerebral palsy from around the world to share their hopes, dreams, challenges, obstacles, rejections, triumphs, and how we continue to live our lives to the fullest.
Each story will pull at your heartstrings and leave you feeling equally inspired by its resilience, honesty, and sheer determination.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the other 21 CP Warriors for being a part of this profound collaboration book and sharing your stories with the world, and to Sharon for allowing me to accomplish a dream I never considered.
The link below will take you to the Amazon sites, if you wish to make your purchase there.
Canada Link
USA Link
UK Link
The book is also available on other Amazon sites.
By writing a review on Amazon, you can ensure that people know about this bestseller collaborative book in Canada and the U.S.
And lastly but not least, please take the time to share this with your family and friends so it spreads to the world!!!
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April 27th, 2023
Once A Knight Always A Knight
It has been a tremendous journey to become an award-winning author, and boccia athlete.
In a relatively short period of time, I have received many accolades beyond my wildest dreams! There are times when I have to step back and ask myself if this is all real or if it is just a dream.
It is beyond words to express my excitement and shock when I received the phone call from the current principal of STM informing me that I was selected as one of the Distinguished Alumni for the 50th anniversary celebration. My gratitude goes out to STM's Committee Members for selecting me alongside ten other amazing alumni for the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award.
Writing my memoir wasn’t about receiving all the accolades and recognitions, it was about sharing my story about living with cerebral palsy. My hope is to provide inspiration and strength to all those who read my book. It is my hope that the next generation of people with cerebral palsy will never give up, fight for what they want, and embrace life with all their dreams and strength in order to achieve their own goals. Having said that, I am grateful to have received all the accolades and celebrations on a once dream of mine, which has now become a reality achievement.
On behalf of my fellow alumni recipients, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making STM's 50th Celebration an unforgettable event for us all.
Thanks to my family, friends, Katharine and STM's staff for being there to accept the award. In addition, thanks to the teachers, educational assistants, and special education department for all their support over the years.
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August 30th, 2023
Mission Accomplished Two!
I never imagined my memoir In A Split Second- Living in the World With Cerebral Palsy would be stocked at the Indigo store in Ancaster.
In a year's time, another mission has been accomplished as Living with Cerebral Palsy: A Collection of Inspiring Stories by CP Warriors Worldwide is now available at Indigo Ancaster and Indigo.ca.
You can now purchase a copy at the Ancaster location if you haven't already.
Those of you who have purchased directly from me, thank you for your interest and support!
Spread the word to your family and friends!

February 2024
It is with great pleasure that I announce that I have contributed another inspiring story to Sharon Brown's extraordinary collaborative book, "The Secrets of Successful Men," an empowering anthology focusing on the triumphs of ten extraordinary individuals who have challenged convention and forged their own paths to success
The co-authors offer insights from cutting-edge entrepreneurs sculpting empires, navigating the realms of adversity into strength, and witnessing the unwavering spirit propelling leaders to greater heights.
Throughout these many remarkable stories in this collaborative book, I shared my story about "My Life as a Para Sport Athlete." As you read my story, you will get an insight into how someone with a disability, like myself who may not be able to play extracurricular sports like an able-bodied person, but I found other ways to participate in sports that I love and live out my dream!
On August 25th, 2024, I had the pleasure of sharing my story of my passion for sports on Inclusive Radio. Dean, I would like to thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I appreciate those who took the time to listen to my story on the air. I recognize how busy life can be at times.
If you have missed it, do not worry, I have you covered!
Please find attached a clip of the interview from Inclusive Radio. By clicking the link below, you will be able to listen to it at any time, anywhere, any place!